In Media

Human rights group calls for boycott of King’s administration

Published on Jul 21, 2015


New Delhi – January 30, 2006
1. Wide of news conference
2. Cutaway reporters
3. SOUNDBITE (English): Suhas Chakma, Director, Asian Centre for Human Rights:
“(The) International community must boycott or disengage with the administration of King Gyanendra. It basically means imposing visa restrictions on King Gyanendra, the royal family, Cabinet ministers, people who are the head of the state-owned companies, etc. People who are part of the administration including the RNA (Royal Nepal Army) they should not be allowed officially to meet with any of the international agencies.”
4. Close of the report
5. Reporter asking question
6. SOUNDBITE (English): Suhas Chakma, Director, Asian Centre for Human Rights:
“In the last year what has happened is that after the signing of the agreement with the political parties, I think the Maoists, all said and done, have moved more closer to the democracy by their commitment, than I think King Gyanendra today looks like someone who possibly represents more the Pol Pot regime. So, it is very difficult to say, I mean… whether the Maoists are committed about it. I think only once you sit across the table, then find out whether they are serious about it or not. But until that process I think one has to give the benefit of doubt to the Maoists that they are being more serious than King Gyanendra at the moment. It’s simply because King Gyanendra refuses to sit across for dialogue with anybody; whether democratic forces or the Maoists or anybody, so I think that is the difference which we see at the moment.”
7. Close of reporter’s hands
8. Reporters at the conference
9. Wide of conference getting over

FILE – Katmandu, 27 January 2006
10. Wide, protesters chanting around burning tyres
11. Close up tyre burning, shattered rocks
12. Police watching the scene
13. Wide, protesters blocking street
14. Mid of demonstrators shouting slogans
15. Mid of students, one with flag, shouting in protest
16. Wide, barricaded street, smoke billowing


On the eve of the anniversary of King Gyanendra’s takeover of power in Nepal, Delhi-based Asian Centre for Human Rights has demanded a boycott of the King’s administration.

In a report named ‘Nepal: One year of Royal Anarchy’, prepared in collaboration with the Bangkok-based Forum-Asia, the centre claims over 1- thousand-608 persons have been killed by the security forces and the Maoists in 2005.

Of the total, a greater number- 1-thousand and eight, have been killed by the security forces, according to the report.

The report prepared by activists in Nepal, India and Thailand, also said the international community had turned its back on the situation in Nepal.

Nepal has turned into a lawless country where the judiciary is not respected and the Royal Nepal Army and the Maoists indulge in human rights excesses, the report said.

February 1 marks the anniversary of the king’s government takeover last year.

In view of the current worsening situation in Nepal, both the Asian centre for human rights and Forum-Asia have demanded a boycott of the King and his administration by the international community.

The have further called for a ban on military supply and assistance and ban on economic development aid routed through the government of Nepal.

In addition, the organisations are demanding the appointment of a UN rapporteur on Human Rights for Nepal.

Chakma claimed the Royal Nepal Army had lost further ground to the Maoists in the past year and its capacity to strike at the rebels had diminished.

Meanwhile Authorities in Nepal have been clashing with activists during anti-government demonstrations over upcoming municipal elections.

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