This briefing paper prepared for the 58th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (24 February 2025 to 04 April 2025) urges that human rights situation under Dr Mohammed Yunus has deteriorated with over 5,00,000 political opponents facing criminal cases, 348 journalists targeted, 21 Supreme Court and High Court judges removed through protests of the […]
India: Over 10,000 sought refuge in India during 2022
New Delhi, 21.02.2023: The Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) today stated that over 10,000 persons sought refuge in India while at least 203 asylum seekers were arrested across the country as Mizoram became the epicenter of refugee influx during the year. By the end of 2022, India had about 4,05,000 refugees i.e. 2,13,578 refugees […]
India Press Freedom Report 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Press Freedom – at least 228 journalists targeted including 13 killed with highest attacks in Uttar Pradesh in 2023 NEW DELHI, 30 July 2021: “During 2020, at least 228 journalists (including two cases against media houses) were targeted. These included 12 female journalists who had faced physical violence, online harassment/threats and cases including […]
India: Media’s Crackdown During COVID-19 Lockdown
SUMMARY: The Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) in this report states that about 55 journalists faced arrest, registration of FIRs, summons or show causes notices, physical assaults, alleged destruction of properties and threats for reportage on COVID-19 or exercising freedom of opinion and expression during the national lockdown from 25 March to 31 May […]
COVID-19 lockdown: The impact of Singapore Syndrome in India’s dormitories
Singapore Syndrome’ is all about faster spread of COVID-19 cases during lockdown in situations where maintaining social distancing is impossible like the cramped dormitories housing the foreign migrant workers in Singapore. Places like Dharavi slum in Mumbai are all but big dormitories far worse than the dormitories of Singapore. India’s lockdown has caused the largest internal displacement ever recorded in history and it exposed the migrants to colossal humanitarian crisis not only because of the failure of the government but the Supreme Court to ensure the right to life and liberty, the right to freedom of movement with safety and dignity as guaranteed under Articles 14, 19(1) and 21 of the Constitution and enforce Section 12 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005. India must take course corrective measures to tackle COVID-19 pandemic.
Arunachal Pradesh: Massive hunger among 65,875 Chakmas & Hajongs because of their exclusion from COVID-19 economic package & sell of rice @ Rs 29/- per kg by the State government during national lockdown
New Delhi: The Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) today urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to intervene with the Government of Arunachal Pradesh against massive hunger and starvation among 65,875 Chakmas and Hajongs, who are citizens of India, because of their exclusion from the “economic package for vulnerable sections in these difficult times of Covid-19 […]
Coronavirus Pandemic: India’s Mongoloid looking people face upsurge of racism
Contents 1. Upsurge of racism against India’s Mongoloid looking people 2. Emblematic cases of racism against India’s Mongoloid looking people during COVID-19 pandemic 3. The way forward: India must enact an anti-racism law 1. Upsurge of racism against India’s Mongoloid looking people Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected the entire world and people whose physical features resemble […]
Foreigners in Assam a blast from the past
By – Suhas Chakma, Director, RRAG The National Register of Citizens (NRC) had provisionally identified over 4.1 million people as alleged foreigners as on 26 June 2019. As the final NRC of Assam is scheduled to be released on 31.08.2019, the most pertinent question is how serious is the influx of the foreigners in Assam, […]
The economic cost of draft NRC: Poor made extremely poor
1. Introduction There is no escape from the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam and every resident of Assam must mandatorily participate if they seek to be identified as citizens of India. The State Coordinator of the NRC, Assam under the supervision of the Supreme Court of India has been preparing the controversial NRC […]
Is Amnesty Making Sweeping Allegations?, The Clash, TimesNow
Times Now The Newshour Debate Published on Jul 31, 2018